Thursday, April 22, 2010

adding on to my last post...

So apparently in my super short post I forgot to mention that I did make it back safely to Grenoble, in spite of the stupid SNCF (French railway company) and their stupid more-than-two-week strike. I actually got back on Sunday.

Also, a not-so-happy update on my knee:

I had my MRI on monday, and it turns out that I tore my ACL. That means that I will have to have surgery this summer, and then have 6 months or so of rehab before I'm ready to get back to dancing and being sportive. That has been a real bummer for me, as many of you know that dancing is one of my favorite things in the world, and going almost a year without it will be hard. Also it's hard because it has been so incredibly beautiful outside. The mountains are still white with snow, but the rest of Grenoble is lush and green, and covered in flowers! Of course, that just makes me want to go hiking or take a bike ride, both of which are not options for me at the moment :P

I'm doing my best to handle it, but would really appreciate all the encouragement I can get. One thing I know will make me feel better is we're going to Nice (how nice!) for the weekend, and we leave tomorrow morning! I plan on coming back as tan as possible for a white girl who doesn't tan, and I will at least get my feet wet in the Mediterranean (we've been warned that it's freeeeeezing cold at the moment). I thought about going over to Monaco for a few hours, but apparently it's like the European version of Orange County- just a bunch of big houses, and no real nice architecture. The beach is the same, but instead there are tons of yuppies driving around in huge SUVs..... not that interested!

I'll have another update soon!

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