Friday, January 15, 2010

Coming Back

So, a couple of things to start off with:
1. I changed the name of the blog, because I finally found out how to say sweet-tooth in french, and that's Gourmande. It also means that you're a good eater, both of which I am.

2.Europe is awesome, but transatlantic flights suck. seriously. I just can't ever get comfortable enough to sleep, and then i have stupid connecting flights and so I end up being awake for more than 24 hours.... not enough sleep makes Emily NOT a happy camper!

3. I'm finally back here in Grenoble, so I thought I'd catch up on stuff. The last time I posted, I wrote about the Lyon fête de lumières, which was AWESOME!!!! But that was right before I left, and so I got super busy and didn't have time to blog again. so here goes:

Christmas break was fantastic. Getting back home was not! I have definitely learned my lesson with flights: no matter the cost, make your trip as close to one-stop as you can. Thinking I would save some money, I booked my flight home going Grenoble-London-Atlanta-DFW. By the end, I seriously thought I would scream if I had to spend another moment in an airport. But getting back to break... I got home, and my awesome fam was there to greet me, and Mags even made me a welcome home sign! We spent one night at home, before heading to Tennessee to have christmas with my grandparents. I was really really really really really wishing for snow, but instead, I missed probably the only white christmas that I would have ever seen in Fort Worth! (The last time that happened was in the 1920's or something!)

After christmas, me, my mom, and maggie all went to Lindy Focus for New Year's (Hey-Oooo!) I was so impressed with how smoothly that went, and I had a blast! After that, we drove home (all in one day- impressed?? You should be, because that's a 17 hour drive.) Then I had a week and a half at home in F-dub, and it was crazy packed! I got to see a bunch of people, but with most of them I didn't get as much time as I'd have liked. It was a right amount of time away though, because I was SO ready to get back to Grenoble. I missed hearing french all the time, and I missed my host family too, and I missed using mass transit, and I missed the oh-so-yummy pastries that I stuff my face with, and so many other things. I feel like I finally really live in France, like this is my city, the one I belong too.

Some things here are different- for one, there is snow EVERYWHERE!!!! I was super excited about it until I soaked my jeans AND my shoes and then my feet got cold. But still, it's such a neat experience for me. I mean, snow, in winter! What a concept. Also something new is the group of Americans that I'm part of. Only 4 of us out of 56 are year students. Everyone else went on the Paris trip together, and they are all friends, but us oldies don't really fit in. It's ok, because I'm not really looking for lots of American friends (does that sound snobbish?) because I'm here to practice my french anyways. But it is weird because there is a different group dynamic now....

By the next time I blog, I should have photos up of me and the Alps!!! Because Monday afternoon I'm renting skis, and by the end of next weekend, I will have gone skiing! WHOOP!!!! But since I don't have any pretty alp pictures to entertain you, here's some left-overs from last semester, when I went on a picture-taking trip of Grenoble. I tried (as best I could) to capture "ma vie quotidienne" (or my daily life, for all you non french speakers :P

The sun setting over the Alps- a daily view

My Bus stop, Jules Flandrin

The Statue of Les Trois Ordres, or the 3 orders of classes that existed before the revolution: The Clergy, The Nobility, and The Commoners. This is at Place Notre Dame.

The Tram B leaving campus.

Where I go to school, the University Stendhal.

It's snowing!!

Snowing at the tram stop Notre Dame-Musée. I love the snow!!!

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