Saturday, September 19, 2009

How not to get La Grippe A

So the title doesn't really mean anything other than that we've been inundated with info at school on staying healthy, and not getting the swine flu. (Grippe A) As you will read, I am perfectly well, and have 0 symptoms- so you can stop worrying now Papaw! Wow, it hasn't been that long since I last posted, but it feels like forever! I've been keeping pretty busy with everything here. I guess I'll just start from where I left off last time.

Last Friday, our API group took an excursion to the chateau Vizille. It's about 30 minutes from Grenoble, and played an important role in the French Revolution. Vizille was cool, smaller than I expected, but still big :) There was a museum all about the Revolution, which was very cool. I learned all about the assassin of Marat by Charlotte Corday. Apparently Marat was a big player in the Reign of Terror, and Corday was against him. She killed him, and three days later died by the guillotine. At the time, all of France hated her. It's funny though, because 50 years later, she began to be portrayed as the new Joan of Arc, a martyr for the French Revolution. I find it odd how history can change, and how someone who is hated in their life, can later be revered.

Then, last Saturday, I got a french bank account. It was super easy to do, but I didn't really understand everything the lady was telling me. I should get out of the habit of acting like I know what's going on when I really don't.... Anyways, I think at one point she tried to offer me mutual benefits, but I don't even know what those really are in English, so I just said no. My french credit card should be arriving soon! After that, I hiked up the Bastille with my friends Katie and Catherine. I was sad that it was cloudy, because apparently on clear days, you can see Mont Blanc. It was really cool though, and a great workout!

This week, I had classes, which have been going pretty good. History of Art was boring, but I think that was just because the prof wasn't talking much about actual works of art, he was introducing the subject of Impressionism by giving us a long history of the movement. Once we get to the Art itself, I think I'll enjoy it better. Literature was fantastic, we're going to be covering 20th century writers, and the teacher seemed really intelligent and passionate about the subject. Translation is going to kick my butt. The prof is really nice, but she moves so quickly! I think I'm going to learn a lot from her though. History is still good, this past week we covered the year 1789 (The Revolution). My language classes are challenging, but I really like the prof, and I love the fact that there's only 14 people in my class. So all in all, good.

Yesterday, I went camping with the group from FEU (the christian student organization). We went hiking in the Belledonne, and stayed in a little refuge in the mountains. There were even mattresses! (They were old, but comfortable) This morning, we continued hiking to a lake, where we had a great view of the Ecrens Mountains. It was so beautiful, but very very cold! Also, the clouds came in and spoiled the view after awhile. I really loved the whole experience. It's great, because FEU has introduced me to so many french kids my age, and they are all super nice. I get to practice my french a lot, though it is exhausting. Sometimes I just have to tune out the conversation, if it's too hard to follow :)

I think my english is getting worse, living here. I have trouble finding the right word a lot of times, and often what I want to say, I can only think of it in french! I suppose that's a good thing, until I get back! Anyways, some pictures to amuse you:
The Stairs to the Bastille (only some of them!)


Catherine, Me and Katie

Grenoble, seen from the Bastille


Me and the mountains!

More pretty mountains, in the Belledonne

our little refuge

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